Monday, December 22, 2008

What's in a name?

Faithful reader, I am in a quandry.  I was informed by the Drunken Master and eternal pants-trader Ben "El Bastardo" Jones that the title of my little slice of electronic ephemera has already been taken.  Not by just anyone either, but by the two hosts of my all-time least favorite radio show, Car Talk on NPR.  Apparently the brothers Magliozzi are producing a new animated series on PBS, and seeking to indoctrinate a new generation of young auto mechanics to service the aging army of American automobiles that might otherwise be allowed to rot here on Earth or be crushed into cubes and shot into space like interstellar spitballs.  I would rather not be associated with any evil and subversive plots like this, and since they've got the money and the lawyers (funded in part by donations from listeners/viewers like you to NPR and PBS) and I'd rather not risk a lengthy and expensive legal battle in a futile effort to assert my control of the name in question, so I am left with two choices: I can either vacate the tiny slice of the giant christmas ham that is the interweb, leaving it just as I found it, unnamed and without any spirit to give it life, or I can change the name.  Well, anyone who knows me and many who don't will know that I don't just give in to leftist scare tactics so easily and will not be made to abandon my newly-claimed wireless homeland just to clear more space for a couple of eye-talians to drive their shaky old junker hatchbacks around and wonder what that funny rattling noise might be while swilling wine and wondering if the pasta is sufficiently al dente.  But, I need help.  While I may be able to use a whole lot of words to say very little, I'm not so good at coming up with snappy one liners or condensing meaning down to its very essence, boiling off the nonsense until nothing is left but some burnt-on residue at the bottom of the pot which is of course, the essence of all meaning.  For this task I need your help, faithful reader.  Help me reinvent myself and the Loose Nuts webspace with a fresh, inspiring, bold new title.  Please leave suggestions in the comment field at the bottom of this entry, and help save me from the shit storm of copyright litigation soon to rain down upon me from the two brothers who call themselves "Click" and "Clack" and their army of gasoline-addicted miscreant automotivists.   


BYo"Bob" said...

Moose Huts?
Seeking the "True"th
How to Kick ass at CX and still drink yourself silly.

I got nothing. That sucks.

Benjamin Jones said...

I thought about it a bit and came up with some lame names:

1. big wheel keep on turnin' (CCR lyric, combines southern theme and wheel theme)

2. nipples n' nuts (may get your blog blocked / flagged)

3. one wheel to build (keeps with the soap opera theme)

4. bitchin deep-v's (camero?)

5. the young and the loose of nut (also fits with the soap opera theme)

Ok.. I'm done.

Tony said...

How 'bout "Spoke-n-Nut" ( URL appears to be available. The "nutty" theme is continued, along with the double meaning of "spoke" (wheel part plus a reference to the blog nature of the sight).