Monday, February 8, 2010

Broken Parts are No Fun

Was out riding a few days ago and was doing a grind when I heard a pop.  This was the end result-- not much fun.

After swapping on a non-splined chainwheel to get home I took apart the Krull, Stout, All-City ring combo and the Krull just fell into two pieces.

I'm currently debating on what to do next for a chainwheel.  I really like the Krull for its compatibility with my Steel MKE Stout, but obviously, its not up to the task of grinding.  A Tree Lite sprocket would probably make the most sense but its not compatible with a bash/grind guard.  Maybe left side drive is in my future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those who are able to control their rage can conquer their most serious enemy.
Knowledge and skills are tools, the workman is character.
A healthy man has a hundred wishes, a sick man has only one.
A drop of ink can move a million people to think.
We can take from our life up to what we put to it.